Tuesday, January 6, 2009

NO MORE GREASE...i shall miss you..hahahaha

okay, so today is the first day that i feel...okay...i figured out that it was greasy foods that was kickin' mah butt!...today, is the first day, in a long time, where i dont feel nausea!! horray!..so far, i guess the day isnt over yet, but so far so good, all i ate was cereal, and i was able to keep that down, and then i had some dinner rolls...and so far so great!!...so...farewell to you oh greasy french frie, farewell for now my chicken burritto with extra sour cream..farewell my #2 from jack in the box...we shall reunite soon.....not soon enough..hahahahaha...


  1. OMG!!!! I didn't know that you were having another BABY!!!! Good for you SUper Mom! Love the blog, love the pics, love the post!

  2. haha...i feel ya on the greasy foods!!! congrats on the new baby to come....and your kiddies are adorable!
