I hate this feeling!..i feel horrible during most of the day. Nausea all day!..i try and be tough about it and act as if i dont feel sick. During the past two pregnancies i never felt this sick. Well, maybe just a little when i was pregnant with the twins. But i dont remember feeling this horrible!..I also crave ALOT!..and when i get what i want, after a few bites, i feel sick...hoi! i hope this doesnt last very long, cause it's been making me moody and difficult to be with. Aside from all that, we now have a dog at home. He's a big pitt bull! My brother found him wandering around their neighborhood and when they fed him, he kept coming back! My husband is soo attached to him, he got up early this morning and bought him a leash and some dog food. I wasnt too fond of bringing him home but now, i just feel sorry for him. I found myself at the store picking up toys for him. He looks scarier than he really is. I think he was a house pet cause he drinks bottled watter only and he's picky with what he eats. I guess this will be a new venture for my lil family.
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